Time for a break dude! Don't have a proper break and rest since the beginning of this year. Was trying to make myself busy and tired everyday just not to "think". Thinking is nothing bad, is just that what I think will properly harm myself, sound serious arh~
Examination had just ended recently like 2weeks back. If you were to ask me how was the paper like, just a sentence to describe it "Each paper is getting tougher, study to get it or NOT" As for me I think the hardest paper was "Accounting" and the rest was equal.
EXCITED, Wohhhh~ Can't sleep the night before, was thinking and hoping that this trip could be a wonderful & full filly trip just to relax myself and enjoy with my friends :D Oh by the way do you guys know why am I so happy even thought it was just Malaysia? Because the last time I been there for a holiday was like years back (before I even take my O's)
Nanny Fanny was SUPER LATE!! She keep reminding me not to be late and she herself was sleeping at home at the time of meeting -_-" Went to have a breakfast alone, eating really slow, bits by bits :/
Went to "OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE" to have another round of breakfast with her, even thought I was quite full, take it as my lunch :P Burbbbb~
Second time visiting Johor Bahru(JB), Larkin bus terminal. Errrm.... environment there was "No Comments" don't really like going there, ~Yuckyyyy~ Experience yourself and you will know what I mean :x Hahaha stop complaining, it's a Holiday :) Took an earlier bus at noon thus we can reach Seremban, Fu Rong.
Three hours and thirty minutes of bus journey from JB to Seremban. Took a short napped (Zzzzz....), while Fanny plays with my DS :) Time Check, it was about 6+pm in the evening when we were there. Putted our luggage and head for dinner. CHILLI CRABBY~ once again it had been a super long time I last ate a crab :P I had not been doing many things and eat what I want :< Luckily I did not wasting my time on this trip :D >>>>
Went to a cafe that Daphne always support her friends as he was a singer in the cafe :) Fanny got herself a cup of "Ice Coffee" while Daphne got "Ice-Lemon Tea and I ordered a drink for myself named ''Taurus'' The drink blended with the cooling breeze that cool you down after a long travelling, relax~ Something negative about the cafe was their services, pretty bad! They can't speak English (understandable), don't know their menu well and had to call them several times before they will get to you. Maybe their business is really that good.
Here is another CRAVING of mine, LOK LOK (Satay steamboat)!! I had been craving since I left Malaysia, Penang. In Singapore I had reminded them many many times that I wanted another feeling that I had MISS! :D WOWOWOWOW~ At the point of time, that was where I can really smile from the bottom of my heart, can't describe that feeling. That feeling is just like you are having the most delicious food on earth even though it's just something simple.
Malaysia Majong. I almost fall asleep in car when on the way back until Daphne say a word, ''MAJONG'' my eye turn bright and my mind is clear :P HAHAHA!! Malaysia Tradition Majong has only 3 playing. Totally DIFFERENT from Singapore Majong. They asked me to play with them (already had that intention) and start the game :) I was losing at the beginning as I don't even know how to play the way they played, LOSTED of directions! Daphne was beside me helping me and slowly I got everything in hand and WON the game :D Won about 11RM, is kind of little however is better than paying school fee :D
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