Sunday, March 28, 2010


11th - 14th of March
Finally the show is over! Had a hard time getting over this 4 days of work. I worked from 11am-10pm, after show I had to rush down to my company for stock check/count. WANT MY LIFE! The 1st day was easy to past, the hell was from 2nd day onwards...Rawss~

Before the show I was posted to level 4 of the show and my SISTER was posted to level 6. I asked for an exchange with someone else so I can be with my sister. Due to someone STUBBORNNESS who don't allow me to change place, and "YOU" who agreed with her decisions face the consequences and STOP COMPLAINING!

This is a job that you have to FIGHT for what you want, I know! However why cann't your work in team and help each other rather than become enemy? If you have the skills or tactics to grap/ hold a customer by yourself, you won't even be afraid that you will lose them. This only show that you are totally lack of confident and how weak you are! Moreover why because of this work harm each other friendships right? Think about it! Thanks people for dropping by: Cleon, Reagan, Jolene’s brother, Ashton :D and people who dropped me a message that they are around: Wei Ting, Terence, Ning Xin’s mummy, Louis :) Love You Guys !!!!!

Should thank that “stubbornness” I had a good team that help each other to get one another commission and incentives during this 4 days :) GOOD JOB!!
Had to apologise to my team that I caught a slight fever during the show and I took a shot rest and you guys continue to FIGHT! Hahaha~ Hope we have chance to team again.

By the way this is how much rubbish of paper on the floor at the end of the last day! There is hills of paper all around the floor~ SO NOT ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY!!

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