Monday, March 15, 2010

A Snap Of Inspirations

Hi guy, I just end my exam this week and after that I went down to the I.T. show right away. Don't really have time to even take a short nap :( Banking paper was really good! Hope I'm able to score A star star star :P I burn oil studying it hor~

As what I had promised, I will try to update my blog right?

I was reading a blog of my friend of this his beautiful arts and came across an art with was drawn by markers. Years back I bought the same markers as him and I kept it somewhere in my drawer, found after some time of searching :) Told him about it and he asked me to start drawing again.

Hmmm... I was thinking of that question as well. However I had not touch arts for yearsssss~ He give me an inspiration on what to draw. Therefore I came out with this art :D

Presenting..... ..... .....
There would be more drawings coming up if I have the time :) Give me more inspirstion to draw oka? Weeee~
I had tried my best not to sleep just to update my blog. HeeHee so ''wei da'' right? By the way I just came back from I.T. show 2010. YEAHHHHH!! Finally it's over~ Wahaha tomorrow going to work for the last day of this month and I'm on my holiday! Don't miss me guys :) Muack!

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