Monday, March 1, 2010


Date: 18 February 2010 (Morning)
Took Class Photos, so happy yeah!! Looking at this photo a flash of memorable memory came into my mind. Remembering the 1st day I stepped into the campus, I'm a little boy who is anti-social that don't talk to others, everyone is a stranger to me. Mummy said cannot talk to stranger (that's when I was a kid) :P When time goes by things started to change. I become a ''well known/famous'' person in class :D (Am I right my classmates?, Heehee a bit thick skin) more and more friends were surround within my areas.

Every class is bonded with good relationships, however there's always different cliques/groups in each class, that goes the same to me. I was sitting right at the back of the class with a group of guys. We were bonded closely and always help each other with the things that we were not good at. I woke up at the wrong side of my bed, I jumped clique. Moved my table and chair a row in front with the girls, maybe I'm able to study better with them as girls really could concentrate with works. Apart from me, others jumped cliques/groups too. There is a saying'' As time goes by, the true colours of them will show.'' this might be one of the reasons people started to jump cliques/groups.

I'm happy with who I'm with, of course not forgetting ''J.A.C.Z.Z.''!! Talked about "J.A.C.Z.Z.'' I REALLY MISS YOU GIRLS, when are you free to have another gathering? Do remember to texts me oka :) Oh... back to topic, Yap I’m happy with the clique in IQG they will brighten up my day with jokes like HuiXian, YiXin, Awin, Fazlin, Terence and many more... ... Once my states back to single I was crying every minutes, every night, everyday, they were the one who lent me their listening ears and show concerns to me, THANK YOU!! and of course the ''J.A.C.Z.Z.'', motherly, Jolene :D

Cliques always have conflicts, agreed? Even you are in the working society, there is always conflicts that make each and everyone become enemy, I totally DISLIKE that kind of feeling! But what can we do? We can’t control his or her mouth when they want to say something. I thought that after leaving my secondary school I'm able to meet a clique that has no conflicts, but I guess I was wrong~ The same old things repeated, just a different person this time round, FATE~

When to my classmates house to do Chinese New Year visiting as it is still Chinese new year period. Hougang~ Reagan, Melvin & YiXin :) What will teenagers do when it's Chinese New Year? GAMBLE! Black Jack, a common games is played among most/all Singaporean. Lost quite a bit but I'm still happy :D (Almost turn bankrupt)

After all the visiting went to ''Chomp Chomp'' a place where HuiXian wanted to go last year but due to some reasons/person we were unable to go until that day. Not much people that day, maybe people is still doing visiting as it's a weekend but who cares, we had more seats to sit :) Order quite a number of food that day until all the guys had a hard time walking :P Suppose to have ''Ice3'' but I have to go home early as I have something on the next day.To: Readers & Friends
My busy schedule of March 2010.
8 to 11 March 2010 Examinations
11 to 14 March 2010 Working @ Suntec I.T. show
15 March 2010 Working
16 to 21 March 2010 NOT IN SINGAPORE
22 to 25 March 2010 Camp
26 to 27 March 2010 NYEC @ Singapore Poly
28 to 30 March 2010 Unpack

That's my busy schedule this month. I'm only free from 1 April 2010 onwards. If you want to meet me or have any gathering please inform me asap, thank you:) I promise I will take out sometime to continue my blogging :) If you guys want to see more of my life-style do visit my blog so I know you guys really miss me :P

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