Saturday, May 8, 2010


It's my OFFDAY! It's been a long time I see this word appearing in my blog as I work like a Cow during weekends and school on weekdays, BusyBusy~ Catch a movie, IP MAN 2, with friends in town :)

It's rated as Fighting Scenes however I would rate it with comedy with fighting :) If you had watch the movie, you should know what I’m referring to right? :P The scene fighting on the table and the master turn round and round... Wahaha! If you haven not watch the movie, catch it soon ok :)

Some finger grabs before the movie begin... So crispy until you hear the crunchy sound :) Jolene favourite!! Jolene want to have a bite :P Ahhhhh~

MAC @ Heeren, they felt hungry after the movie and was like about 2hours after dinner. Really big eater hor~ By popular demand, Cinnamon Melts!! It's lovely~

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