Monday, April 12, 2010


Thank you people for the comments that you have give me :) - Wei Ting, Jolene, Hui Xian, LiLy JieJie, Shawn and many more sorry if I cann't remember- I appreciate ALL! HeeHee~ I'm a bit dumb in all this features about technological however, I ♥ CAMERAS :]

Grapped Jolene like a week before to accompany me for a shop in town. She had turn into a ''pig'' during the holidays, sleep til her butt got burn by the sun :P
ION FOOD COURT, FishBall Noodles!!
Comments: I'm very particular about the fishball that is service. I ONLY eat hand-made fishballs, therefore those machines made fishballs don't ever ask me to eat/try! Currently, there is only 3 places where I consume my fishballs noodles, Beach Road, Toa Payoh, & Ion Orchard :) If you guys got the chance passed by Ion Food court GIVE IT A TRY! -FishBall Noodles come along with noodles and 7 fishballs @ $5. -FishBall Soup come along with 10 fishballs @ $5 ! TOTALLY WORTH THE PRICE YOU PAY :D

After a longggggggg consideration, comments (from you readers & friends) and walks (Jolene was complaining~)
Got it at the cheapest price in town (Singapore) I bet you guys can't find anywhere cheaper than what I bought :) HeeHee~ Done market research before purchasing it de ok! Bought 3 white and 2 cartoons films :)
The VIRGIN shots of my camera! CHOI RIGHT :D
Orchard Central, MOS Burger!
Different Environment compare to others outlet in Singapore. This MOS is more particular about the way of presenting the food. They had clay soup cups, glass cups for drinks and wooden trays, occasionally they still serve drinks using paper cups because the size is different. However it's much than paper soup cups and plastic tray that looks dirty.
More pictures taken when Zhiying came. Jolene tried taking a photo of 3 and it was a succeed! (You know why? Cause she like cam-whore, HAHA! ) Got so much HOT GOSSPIS!! I found out HOT NEWS, even though I'm like the last to know :p

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